Friday, June 8, 2007

Home Alone

I hate being home alone!!! My hubby is gone to Los Angeles for a business workshop for 3 nites and 4 days... =-( and he left me all alone!! I am bummed about that. I have never really liked to be alone. I'm doing good so far... I didn't go running to my mom and dad like I really wanted too!! I knew my mom would love to have me spend the weekend with them...but as much as I do love them, I need to stay home and behave like a "Big" girl =-P It is not all that bad...being home alone...but I have to inject myself...aaahhhhgggg I hate needles about as much as I hate being home alone!! I'm just screwed these next few days. Hubby left last nite and as much as I wasn't looking forward to poking myself, it wasn't THAT bad. I did curse my husband for not being there....but after much praying, I managed to do it and it wasn't that bad. I still wouldn't prefer to inject myself. But at least it's for a good cause....

I have an ultra-sound appoint Sunday to check how my ovaries are responding. I'm excited and can't wait to go and see. My Dr. has me injecting myself with 125 units (iu) which is the same amount i was on my last IUI cycle. I know not every cycle is the same, that is why i'm really anxious about my sunday appointment. If this cycle is similar to the last cycle, we should be doing IUI by next weekend...Father's Day weekend. How appropriate i think. It would be great to get pregnant on Father's day. I can't wait. I'm trying very hard to be excited for the best outcome, but also wanting to remain wary of the possibility of not getting the results we want. I just don't want to be an emotional mess afterwards...Man this is too hard.

I remain positive in feeling that we all have our journey's for a reason. God does have a plan for us, and I know, for I am certain of it, that kids are in God's plans for us. No doubt about. I know that I didn't go through Cancer treatment, and even with the last scare of it possibility coming back, to be sitting here now, Cancer FREE and with my uterus in tact only not to get pregnant and enjoy all the wonder of being pregnant and bringing a healthy child to this world. I hope i do get that chance sooner rather than later, we've wanted this for too long I'm starting to get impatient!!! =-P But I know that it's in God's hands and it will happen soon. For now I will continue to Suck it Up and inject myself until hubby gets home Sunday nite and keep asking that my follies grow, grow, grow... and will keep praying that I realease at least 1 good one that will become our future child!! Grow follies Grow!!

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